Friday, November 12, 2010

Wake up in the morning feeling like a little "Toothless"

     I dream! You dream! They dream! We all dream, unless if you're someone who doesn't sleep.. It’s pretty normal for a human being to dream when they sleep but to some other people this doesn’t occur so often.  Personally I don’t dream a lot, but when I dream. Its probably the weirdest, and browsing through the net about its analysis is the first thing that I would be enjoy doing. 

            Every dream is believed to have their own interpretation. You are a lucky bird if your dream is being interpreted positively and is an inspiring one. Yet, it can’t be avoided sometimes that some drams have their negative meaning, it’s up to you if you’re going to take them seriously.

            The story begins when I have this friend. Her name is Junapril, she shared to me about this crazy dream she had last night.  According to her, she was playing with her tooth when all  of a sudden “Poof!” her tooth fell out from her mouth and she gave herself  huge grin, I’m not sure why, like, how could someone be happy after loosing a tooth. She even let her mama see her tooth “Ei ma! Check this out! My tooth fell off from my gums.hehehe”.  I know this could a little be pointless, like why create a blog about loosing a tooth in a dream?

            Well here it is about loosing a tooth in your dream: “If you are dreaming about losing your teeth, you may have “bitten off more than you can chew” in a particular situation, or relationship. Dreams of losing teeth could mean that you feel you have lost the ability to make decisions, and you may feel that some situation is out of your control, or you are headed in a direction you don’t want to go in.”

“These dreams may also be an indicator that you are not assimilating information around you, so you don’t have all the facts about certain situations”

Whatever your dream could mean, its just another person’s interpretation. Believe it or not, you’ll loss nothing!

 “A dream is a wish that your heart makes”

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